Tuesday, May 6, 2008

But it's a DRY heat!

Today's perfect moment is kind of selfish, but man oh man was it great. I live in Arizona, and we are now entering that time of year when it's about to become unbearable. Mother Nature was giving us a bit of a taste of what's to come and it was downright hot. And there's nothing worse than driving around on a concrete parking lot with the heat rising, causing my curly hair to become even frizzier! (Perfect spot video.)

So, there I was driving around in circles looking for a parking spot. I drove and I drove, and I thought I found a spot. It was perfect. It was just three spots from the front of the store, and it was under a tree. Shade! So, I waited, and I waited while this woman was loading stuff into the car. I tried not to be impatient as she took her time, but dammit it was hot! Well, just when I thought she had finally loaded up all her stuff into the car, she closed the door, looked at me, nodded and then walked back into the store!

I was like, you have got to be kidding! So, there I was pissed off, hot and ...

sweaty, thinking to myself, man what a really cruddy day. But then, I noticed another woman walking toward my car. She then slowly veered off to the car next to the one the woman had just left, two spaces from the front of the store, in the shade.

She raised her hand, waived at me, started her car and backed out. Can you believe it, I was now going to be able to park just two spots from the store, and to top it off, in the shade! it was perfect.

Sue, Tempe

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