Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The magic of butterfly kisses

Butterfly kisses. Hold your eye close to a loved one's cheek and bat your lashes.

Not sure when I first heard of butterfly kisses. I think it was one of those details in a movie. You know, details that don't mean a thing to the plot but they make the characters seem human, real. And apparently stick in my head for years.

I love butterfly kisses and give them every chance I get.

This photo looks like a real butterfly kiss. It's a newly hatched butterfly landing on a woman's face during a press launch of the "Butterfly Jungle" at the Natural History Museum in London. It's an AFP pic by Leon Neal.

... and I see there's a pretty mushy song by Bob Carlisle and sung here by Billy Ray Cyrus for Miley.

My kisses are much less mushy.

Robin, Tempe


Rachelle said...

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Unknown said...

glad you like Perfect Moment Project, Rachelle... stop by anytime. And send us a story. Love to post YOUR perfect moments.

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