Monday, May 18, 2009

TOMS Shoes giveaways: Who is that guy?

I've been watching an AT&T commercial about a guy who gives away shoes and needs a phone network that covers the world.

Kept thinking, the good work described in the commercial says more about TOMS Shoes than his phone network. Who is that guy?

Well, here is that guy. President Clinton asks Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS Shoes, why are shoes such a big deal? And why did you do this as a business rather than as outright charity?

For every pair of shoes you buy, he gives away a pair of shoes to a kid who needs them.

Looking past the phone commercial to find out about Blake's buy-one, give-one model was my Perfect Moment this morning.

Robin, Tempe


Lori Lavender Luz said...

That's inspiring!

We view our shoes so casually. To others, a new pair of shoes is a luxury.

I hope Tom's vision catches on.

julochka said...

what a cool concept!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about that guy too. Thanks for sharing

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I enjoyed that commercial and thank you for the inside scoop. Thank you.

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