Friday, October 8, 2010

Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young

Many of you have heard this poem/song before. But you may not know that what was put to music by filmmaker Baz Luhrmann was originally a column in the Chicago Tribune written by Mary Schmich. Go, journalism!

On June 1, 1997, the paper published Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young. Mary Schmich wrote what she said was the commencement speech she would give if she was asked to give one.

It's full of perfect lines.
"Do one thing every day that scares you."
"The race is long. And in the end it's only with yourself."
When I realized it began as journalism, that was my Perfect Moment.

Love those reminders about parents and siblings:
"The older you get the more you need people who knew you when you were young."

Let's all go call our brothers and sisters.

Robin, Tempe

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