Sunday, March 22, 2009

A trip to Tar-zhay.. or finding my happy shop

I hate shopping... but Target, that's a whole 'nother matter.
I head to the mall maybe 3 or 4 times a YEAR.. really, that's it .. and usually in December for a little Christmas shopping.

Just hate shopping.. that mindless mosey through the stores, touching the fabric, checking the prices. I know my more stylish friends are holding back their urge to say: get thee to a clothing store, but that's another story.

This is a story about Target. I love Target.

I can find anything in that store. Can o starch, 98 cents. Funny birthday card, really funny. Cheap or expensive hair products. A left-handed can opener, if you need one. All those things I run out of or break during the week? I can replace them at Target.

I'm not trying to pimp Tar-zhay. You all have your own favorite stores and stories.

But I'm happy I have found my happy place.

Whatever it is that drives you crazy. Find the antidote. Find your happy place.

And while you're thinking on that. I'm heading to Target.

Robin, Tempe, Arizona

And here is the rest of it.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

I confess. I, too, have had many a perfect moment in Tarzhay.

Don't know WHY I like it so much better than its competitors, but I do.

We takes our perfect moments where we finds them.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I am not a shopper, but when I'm in the mood, Tar-jay Rocks!!!

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