Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jan. 1, 2014: Getting moving

PHOTO:  Jan. 1, 2014 getting moving, originally uploaded by RobinJP.

Yes, getting moving. That's what I call this photo. I could also call it FacePalm.

My only New Year's resolution for most of my adult life has been a simple one. I believe in not setting myself up to fail. I'm not going to set a weight goal or a daily whatever target.

But there is one thing I know that I can probably do every year that will do me a world of good. So most years, when people are sharing New Year's Resolutions, I remind myself to "Drink More Water." That's it. It's not a copout. It's a real resolution. And it's a good one. Doable and good for my body.

So, drink more water, Robin.

This year, I'm also reminding myself to move more and to eat a salad every day... some sort of salad, any sort of salad.  Fruit salad? OK. Bean salad? If you must.

Not that hard, either. And also a world of good.

This photo is of me today, today, January 1, on that first 2014 long walk. I headed out, with music in my ears and clocked in a healthy 4 1/2 miles.

Getting moving.

It may look like I'm riding a bike, but no, I'm really taking a selfie and a palmie at the same time. Hence: We can call this FacePalm.  Now I'm heading in for a big glass of water.

Robin, Phillips

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